Monday, October 12, 2009

A Rubber Mat and Free Weights

A rubber mat and free weights.................these are a few of my favorite friends. At least for the next 90 days they will be. That is right ladies, yours truly has started the fad weight loss program of the moment, P90X. So far so good. I like it. Yes I do look like a complete fool attempting to follow the Adonis type guy working out in the videos and yes I have fallen completely on my face while attempting to contort my body in ways that, well, you know! But so far I do feel little muscles on the verge of making themselves known! Let's be honest, I am so sore I move like an 80 year old woman on a good day!

Michael and I are taking a little trip to a foreign country for a little beach action in December and therefore Operation Transformation has begun. The true name of the operation is Operation Transform Lynettte from a Fat Ass into Wonder Woman. I aspire to look like my fabulous friends and therefore for the sake of all things sacred, I have given up all yummy goodness for the next 90 days. Should we put it in simple terms for you....I didn't even eat a funnel cake at the fair this past weekend. Yes, I know, total sacrifice on my part.

I will track my progress here because after all, we all know it will be blasted on Page Six and US Weekly every week. I am okay with it because let's be honest, it is good pub, however I refuse to be put on the same page as the tragic Kristi Alley weight saga stories. I am willing to be put in the same category as Valeri Bertanelli. But come on, don't we all know the dirty little secret of that deal, she HAD to have had plastic surgery. I mean no way she looks like that. Me on the other hand, of COURSE I will look hotter!

I refuse to tell you my "before" weight because after all, a true lady never reveals her weight. Through my pregnancy with Dennis, I was sad to realize that Michael thought all ladies weighed 100 pounds and the shock and horror on his face when he realized I in fact weighed more that that! Darn that electric scale!! I will tell you that I have a good 10-15 pounds that I am aiming to lose! There is plenty of incentive in this deal for me but I will let you in on my personal reward to myself! I am afraid to even admit it but I am going to tell you my dirty little secret right now......

DRUM ROLL PLEASE...........I have never owned a pair of jeans that have cost more than $40. Ahhhhh I am so embarrassed. I think I am the last person in Hollywood that has not owned a pair of fit you perfect, look amazing, designer jeans. Yes plaster me on the pages of WHAT NOT TO WEAR but I am being brutally honest with you. So there is the incentive, yours truly is turning a year older in about a week and therefore I plan to use a little birthday money from the grandparents on a brand new spanking pair of designer jeans.....once I am done with P90X! Oh please let me lose the weight so I can buy them!!!! :)

Stay tuned!


Ashley Olsen said...

Oh Lynette! You look amazing already! I promise you'll feel much better about yourself after seeing my saddle bags in a swimsuit on the beach :) But good luck...jeans are always a fantastic motivation, and you won't be sad you made the switch!

Katie Couric said...

P90X! You go girl and let me know what you think. I've gotta few baby pounds to shed as well.

Regarding designer jeans....don't do it! Once you buy a pair, you can never go back and it becomes an addiction. I'm warning you!

Lucy said...
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Lucy (& Ricky) said...

GO Lynette! I think you look amazing already but I can totally understand a little toner-up... we could all use one of those post baby!

I was on the designer jeans only bandwagon since highschool, but I've recently discovered a new love for Target (gasp!) and gap (gasp again) jeans too! Somehow, spending $19 on a new pair of jeans is A WHOLE LOT better than $160+... but, hey! If I had some birthday money, I think I would probably go for it too!