Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Fair!

So yesterday Michael took a break from promoting what I call the best CD in history! We took the opportunity to do a wholesome family activity! Go to the state fair! We may nosh on caviar and kobe beef most of the time but why not take time out and indulge in some fine cuisine such as fried honey buns, corny dogs and the all time favorite, fried butter! No lie kids, this is a real menu option!

Dwight and his adorable Mouseketeers joined us! Let's talk about Dwight for a moment. As I mentioned earlier, Dwight is preparing for an experiment. A life experiment if you will. He has been through some pretty tough stuff (even by Hollywood standards) this past year and I think he has a few things, emotions maybe, that he needs to get out of his system. A mid life crisis of sorts brought on by circumstance! Single ladies, watch out! Dwight's plan is in formulation and will be chronicled by yours truly!

I did admire him yesterday! Here I am always thinking how hard I have it being married to a hottie hot singer who travels each week. Raising the toddler by myself is mentally and physically exhausting. But then you have Dwight, he only gets to see his two Mouseketeers every other week, has a crazy demanding job and did not chose any of this! He was the stand up guy that every girl wants there husband to be. The one who wants to make it work, the one who wants to put the time in. But for Dwight that was not in the cards this time. He pushed one Mouseketeer in a stroller, carried one on his shoulders, took both girls to the restroom at a moments notice, bought and carried multiple fair prizes, chased both girls, carried one girl, held the other girls hand, used multiple bottles of hand sanitizer, carried a backpack full of necessities and did not complain or look stressed out one time. Yep, it taught me a lesson. You choose your outlook.

Dwight was just happy to have his girls for the weekend. Happy to be soaking in all the fair smells (some good, some....not so good!), happy to buy them donuts and chocolate milk only to have them spill it all over the backseat! Yes, I learned that hug Michael a little tighter before he leaves, I will keep my mouth shut when every single thing he does some days bothers me and I will stop and breath before I get frustrated with Dennis. Because I chose this and because of that it is all just fine!

Here is Hollywood it is so easy to get caught up in the rat race. I do it. I must attend all the gallery openings, all the premiers and of course I must always look stellar. I think what is nice is that every once in awhile, things seem to fall back into place. A little light is shed in the for of perspective! I needed it! Thanks Dwight!


Lucy (& Ricky) said...

I'm definitely going to take this post to heart. it is SO easy to not appreciate every moment but it is also so easy to make the effort to not take things for granted. thanks for the lesson, lynette (and dwight)

oh and I so hope dwight finds an amazing girl to share those moments with and to love him for being an amazing husband and dad that he is. Poor guy. He deserves the best!

Jessica Simpson said...

This sweet post really puts life in perspective...and you know that sometimes even people like me (Jessica Simpson) needs things to be put into perspective! What a stand-up guy Dwight is!

So happy your sweet little clan had a fun day at the fair!

Elin said...

Such a great post Lynette! I know sometimes I need to sit back and really appreciate what Tiger and I have. My brother Phil has had a really rough couple of years but just takes it all in stride and I should learn more from him and guys like Dwight!