Friday, October 9, 2009


Can we all say it together- CRAZY LOVE!

That's right ladies, Michael's new CD dropped today. Wow look at me with all that music lingo! Be still my beating heart, I just love this new CD and proud of my super hubby! I just watched him on our good friend, Oprah's show! I am biased but he did AMAZING! Oprah is such a doll, we so enjoyed having dinner with her last night at Uno's Chicago Pizza! At first I was a bit miffed that she picked such a place, I mean for goodness sakes they had red checked table cloths! The horror of having to eat a pizza picnic for dinner. However, I chose not to express my distaste to Oprah for fear that she might throw her latest book club selection at my head! Have you seen the thickness of that thing, that would put a major dent in the old head!

I really must get organized. I have been totally consumed with Dennis's big two year old birthday bash and fall festivities. With Michael out on tour now promoting this little gem of a CD, we have decided to make a change in Dennis's school. Yes we are of course those crazy indecisive Hollywood parents! You know we recently moved to a much larger much more spacious mansion and therefore chose a school that was closer and out of the way of the paparazi. Well here is a lesson learned, trust your instincts ladies! Its kind of like when you have the choice between the salon hair bleach and the garnier fructise in the grocery store! You know the answer. Need I have my dear friend Jessica Simpson explain the rest for you? That's what I thought! So needless to say Dennis is heading back to the creme de la creme. Life will be restored to normal!

I have so much to tell you and so little time. Where to start....I can't even recall all the fabulous things that have been going on here in Hollywood. Dennis and I did take a little jaunt down to the Big Easy last weekend to visit Monica and Chandler while Michael was out promoting! OKAY! What in the world, New Orleans is NOTHING like the movies, no cute little bands playing with wonderful cajun food and cute french/canjun accents. NOPE, it is a stinky smelly swamp! However Monica and Chandler live in a fabulous chataeu out in the country, wonderful little gem!

Well fans, it is date night for Michael and I therefore I must sign off early tonight. I will fill you in later!


Ashley Olsen said...

It sounds like we have lots of catching up to do, Lynette! But for now, enjoy your date night...I hope this gross weather doesn't put any kinks in your plans to take the private jet to NYC for dinner :) Such a classy couple!

Monica said...

Oh Lynette, what will you do when you move again in six months? You know you will! haha

Please come visit us again soon! It makes living in this stinky place much more bearable when we have fabulous family members come visit! As you noticed, we are seriously lacking in fabulousity!

Lucy Ricardo said...

haha! I am so glad you updated! I love hearing about all of your adventures. We are SO happy that dennis switched schools. we can't wait to get together with you both, so we can drink wine while the nannies watch our offspring. ;)

Carrie said...

About time for some new posts. Carrie has been anxiously awaiting some new fabulous reading...although I have been getting ready for some fabulous things myself! :)