Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Project

Hello loyal readers,

I must apologize for my lack of consistent posts. Go ahead, smear my name in the tabloids if you want. I just have so many fabulous projects going on right now not to mention a little birthday planning that it has been hard to delight with you with my wonderful tales!

So today I am at my day job, crunching some numbers, doing my thing and a project has popped up. I work with mostly males and therefore it is never a dull moment around here. Dwight as I have mentioned before is newly divorced. It is funny in this age of being married for several years to hear tales from the dating scene. We did not text back in the day when Michael was seducing me with his wonderful melodies! Texting is the new form of dating. Texting is a girl's nightmare. You totally could analyze a text for four hours and all the text has to say is "hey what are you up to".....Oh the agony....what does that mean.

Come one ladies..we all know the analysis would go a little something like this....well he said hey is that better than hi or nothing at all??? And then he said what are you up you think that means I want to hang out with you, what are you up to (just doing laundry) or is it simply the obligatory text to say hey I contacted you but that is as far as the contact goes... Plus you can't even tell tone of voice or voice inflection! Oh thank goodness I am not involved in this craziness!!!!

So Dwight is going to embark on a little project. For one year he is going to live his life the way he would never live it before. No contributions to the 401k, sell the house- rent in a fancy high rise, put the furniture in storage- have a fancy firm pimp out his high rise pad. Keep the Tahoe- buy a Mercedes. He is going to live it to the fullest for one year. I am interested in this venture for many reasons. One, I am going to document this adventure via a blog or website (loyal readers get excited) and two I am ready to welcome Dwight into the world of fabulousness!!!! Ladies, a new single man in our inner out world!

I would also like to welcome Lucy and Ricky Ricardo to the cast...The are parents to Mouseketeer E and are welcomed with open arms into our fabulous life!


Monica said...

Lynette-you nailed it, my friend Gigi from "He's Just Not that Into You" is always asking me to disect her texts for her! It's is exhausting!

Oh Dwight, I am having a hard attack just thinking of all the unplanned madness you are enbarking on! Your new life is my Type A personality's nemisis! I am having heart palpitations just contemplating it! Get my a brown paper bag.

P.S. I am secretly jealous of you, Dwight and I will be looking forward to hearing the tales through Lynette.

Lucy & Ricky said...

ahhhhh that is SO CRAZY!!! I cannot wait to hear all about it. Wait, are you serious?!?!?! that is SO crazy!!! How awesome! So, so funny!

p.s. could you read my comment even though I tried to delete it... I forgot about the name thing. whoops.