Monday, September 14, 2009


Hello long lost readers....have you missed me terribly? I must apologize, I have been pre-occupied with so many fabulous things! I am not sure where to even begin!

Jessica and Nick welcomed Baby E into the world a few weeks ago! Baby E was quite early and although she interrupted Jessica and I's fabulously anticipated shopping excursion, the interruption was completely worth it because she is just a doll! Such a precious sweet little thing! Congrats to the Lachey/Simpson clan! We look forward to seeing you on the cover of People in a few weeks for Baby E's debut photo shoot!

Monica and Chandler came up for a visit last weekend. Poor Monica, her assignment overseas with Chandler's job is just dreadful. First of all, her hair has surpassed the fizzy stage and now just resembles a matted down poodle. And not to mention that language they speak, terribly embarrassing. I sure do hope Chandler gets his TPN reports done so that he can move up!!! We miss you Mon Mon!

So Dennis and I have been fabulously busy and although I would love to detail out all of our excursions in this post.........well that would be boring let's be honest, this blog is not about boring!! We did however have a wonderful outing with our famous friends today that is definitely worth mentioning. Contrary to popular belief I am a tomboy at heart. Monica and Carrie can attest to my younger years and well let's face it ladies, having a boy is perfect for me! And PS Carrie and Monica, don't you dare comment that I wore flannel shirts and Polo boots, news flash....everyone wore those so its not funny! hmm

So today we met at these fabulous mini mansions in the northern part of town. Luckily Jennifer Aniston and Mouseketeer P graciously allowed us to hang out at their manor in between private soccer lessons with David Beckham and the mini mansion tour. Jennifer and I noshed on RAW buelo (granola for those of you who do not speak multiple languages such as my son) bars and Vos water. Jennifer is fabulously organized and I love getting ideas for organization to pass onto Rosie. Sorry sometimes my random thoughts just spill onto the paper in no particular order!

Sorry I am digressing! Back to the playdate...we appear to be in the middle of monsoon season here and today's weather was well..........not good for the hair! But being the tomboy that I am, I braved this weather for the sake of my child (please feel free to use that comment in US weekly's "Stars Are Just Like Us" segment). There were ginormous puddles completely covering the mini mansion red carpet area and being the crazy Mouseketeers that our children are....they not only jumped, ran, splashed through them but they sat right in all the puddles! FABULOUS! It was one of those moments where you just have to sit back and laugh! Four little boys having the time of their lives splashing in puddles on a rainy day. They were in hog heaven and at that moment I seemed to have some sort of an epiphany.

In this age of what some of us like to call manufactured fun, sometimes its all in the simple things! Some of the best memories I have are from days spent being a tomboy on my grandparents farm, playing outside for hours and creating our own fun. My vow to Dennis from now on is to think fabulously "out of the box". I mean everyone rents the Kentucky Derby for their children's birthday party so they can ride horses but I want to think differently! I want to find the hidden gems in our little city. Places free of paparazi, free of autograph seekers and most importantly places where Dennis and his friends will remember that their fabulous moms provided them with life experiences that will shape them into the kind of men their fathers are today!

I mean after all, today we drug four soaking wet, smelly boys into Pink Berry and roughed it all for the sake of some yummy treats. I won't lie, I probably enjoyed the cold treats more than Dennis but hey, one day he will thank me for this!

Thank you fabulous friends for a great afternoon! I am so excited for the wonderful excursions that the fall holds.........Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin anyone?

Stay tuned.....


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